
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #45: Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater
Expected Release: July 2014

Goodreads Synopsis
A standalone companion book to the internationally bestselling Shiver Trilogy. 

Sinner follows Cole St. Clair, a pivotal character from the #1 New York Times bestselling Shiver Trilogy. Everybody thinks they know Cole's story. Stardom. Addiction. Downfall. Disappearance. But only a few people know Cole's darkest secret -- his ability to shift into a wolf. One of these people is Isabel. At one point, they may have even loved each other. But that feels like a lifetime ago. Now Cole is back. Back in the spotlight. Back in the danger zone. Back in Isabel's life. Can this sinner be saved? 

"Legions of fans -- myself included -- have wanted Maggie to return to the world of Shiver, and now she's found an ingenious, sexy, utterly compelling way to do it," says David Levithan, VP/Publisher and Editorial Director, Scholastic Press. "This isn't so much a re-visitation as it is a reinvention, with Maggie taking readers to many places they've never been with her before. There is nothing quite so amazing as Maggie Stiefvater at the top of her game."

Author Maggie Stiefvater says, "For me, finishing the Shiver trilogy was a bittersweet moment -- I knew that I wouldn't be returning to Mercy Falls once Sam and Grace's story was over. But Cole and Isabel still lurked in the back of my mind. Both of them were only half-fixed at the end of the trilogy, and I wanted to know if they could be fixed the rest of the way."

What book are you looking forward to reading?


  1. I've only read Shiver and that was a couple of years ago. I need to try and continue on with the rest of the books. Great pick!

    My WoW!

    1. Thanks, I'm intrigued by Cole's character and I'm looking forward to reading his story.

  2. This book looks great - I'll have to add it to my TBR list! I can't wait to read Cress by Marissa Meyer!

  3. I am so excited for this one! Love this series. Great pick...

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  4. You're the second person I've seen with this one. I need to catch up on the series. Great pick!

    1. Thanks, I need to remember what happened. :)

  5. I havent read any of the books in this series but I am going to have to check them out. They sound really interesting! Thanks for sharing.
    My WoW

    Xoxo. Daisel @ Owl Always Be Reading

  6. I loved the trilogy so I am excited to read this one. Great pick. :)

  7. I was so excited when I saw this title appear on goodreads!! I loved the Shiver trilogy so I'm curious about where she's going to go with Cole's story! AWESOME pick!!! Thanks!

    My WoW

    -Becca @Pivot Book Reviews

  8. i can't wait for this one... i love this series

  9. I haven't read this series before but have ordered the Raven Boys! Hoping to get to it soon.

  10. Haven't read shiver yet ._. But I enjoyed Raven boys, have read the two books.

  11. I've heard lots of things about the shiver books but not read any..:( Though I'm planning on doing so soon. Love the sound of this one and the cover is just fabulous!!

  12. I have read this series and really like it!
    Can't wait to read of Cole story :)

  13. Oh my! I found a new series! Thank you so much!

  14. I haven't started the Shiver series yet. There are so many books i'm looking forward to but Cruel Beauty is one of them.

  15. I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing, so I'm definitely looking forward to this one :)
