
Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Sunday Post #44

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 
I'm also linking up to Stacking the Shelves by Tynga's Review this week.

Last Week on the Blog
My Sunday Post #43
East of Eden by Lee Strauss ~ Blitz
Crash Into You by Katie McGarry~ Review
Waiting on Wednesday #41: The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie H. Anderson
Broken by C.J. Lyons~ Review
Afterparty by Ann Stampler ~Chapter Reveal
Deadly to Promise by Mia Hodell~ Promo 
Book Blast and GIVEAWAY! Author Carolyn Meyer of Beauty's Daughter

Tenative Schedule for this week 
My Sunday Post #44
Pawn by Aimee Carter~Review
Waiting on Wednesday #42
Schedule this week is to be determined


New This Week 

Thanks to Pyr

Opening for entries this week!

Well it's Thanksgiving week and what happens, I get sick....ugh. I have so much to do and this completely sucks. Anyway, I'm going to have to nip this in the bud quick because I actually want to taste all the goodies Thursday. Happy Reading.


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon! I am loving the cover of Lost Convent. Happy Thanksgiving :)

  2. I once went to a wedding and I couldn't smell anything so I couldn't taste anything. textures are very strange with no taste :) According to my Husband the food was delicious and I totally missed out (he's a jerk LOL)

    Hope you feel better!!!

    Because reading is better than real life

  3. Ugh, it's definitely not fun to be sick at the holidays. I hope you're better soon.

  4. Noooo! {{{posivibes}}} for getting better pdq. :)

  5. I'm sick too! Here's hoping we both get better before Thanksgiving...eating while you can't breath is a pain, lol. Lost Covenant has a great cover also.
