
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Interview & Giveaway: Author C.W. Trisef the Oracle Series

What does writing mean to you?
Great question.  Writing means everything to me.  At times it is relaxing and therapeutic.  Other times it is fun and energizing.  Bottom line, I love writing and hope to make the Oracle series a huge success.
 Why do you think dark fairy tales are so popular right now?
I'm not into the "dark" side of things, so I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer this question.  I prefer more fun and wholesome adventure, which is why the Oracle series is appropriate for all ages.
Where do you like to unwind and regroup?
When I "unwind and regroup" it usually involves music.  I have found that wholesome music is a powerful medium for inspiration.
Favorite book?
Obviously biased, my favorites books are "Oracle - Sunken Earth" and "Oracle - Fire Island" (books 1 & 2 in the Oracle series).  Book 3 will be out early 2013.
If you had the chance to go back in time, where would you go past or present? Why?
 If time travel were possible, I'm not sure I would be as interested in the past, as in the future.  For no other reason, just to know which stocks to invest in.  :)
Do you enjoy writing the antagonist or protagonist point of view?
 I think I'd rather write the protagonist.  In real life, the good guys always win (I truly believe that).
Are there any projects in the works?
Yes, several projects.  My first is to finish the Oracle series.  It is a planned 7-book series, with 2 already released, 1 coming in 2013, and then 4 more in subsequent years.  So the Oracle series project will keep me busy into the foreseeable future.  Beyond that, I have another epic book series planned, but it will be a 3-4 book series, not 7 like the Oracle series.
Favorite holiday dessert?
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, and my favorite dessert would have to be Sour Cream Peach Pie with some Egg Nog to wash it down.
Choose one: Invisibility or Flight? Why does your choice appeal to you?
Probably invisibility, but flight would be equally as cool.  Invisibility because it would allow me to better research the mysteries of our planet (by the way, that's a plug for the Oracle book series).  Visit for more info.
If there was a question that you wished an interviewer would ask you,what would be the question and the answer?
The question would be: "How can I purchase one of your books?"  And the answer would be: "Go to where you will find the books available in both paperback and e-book for very cheap prices."

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. the book looks really good. would LOVE To win a copy

  2. Wow, this Oracle series looks awesome, hope I win!

  3. Evosys has implemented mobile based Oracle EBS solution, acton, at Nawras, Oman. The project kicked off on 20th May 2012 and went live on 22nd Sept 2012.

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  4. Wow, the covers look amazing! It`s the first I hear of these books, but they do sound good. I`m definitely adding it to my TBR list :)

  5. I like the covers and the books sounds interesting as well. I'll add it to my list of books to read and try them out. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. These books look fabulous. A great giveaway thank you.

  7. If I don't win the giveaway, I'm buying these for sure! Great covers, and I loved the website with all the pictures and videos about the world mysteries. Can't wait to read 'em! Thanks!
