
Friday, September 21, 2012

Lullaby by Amanda Hocking

Author:Amanda Hocking
Title: Lullaby
Series: Watersong #2
Publication: November 27, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 3.5 out 5
Format: Arc
Source: Around the World ARC Tours

Harper only wanted a safe, normal life. But when her younger sister Gemma runs off with a dangerous clique of beautiful girls, Penn, Thea, and Lexi, everything changes. Vowing to get her sister back no matter what the cost, Harper must face dangers unlike any she's ever experienced. Fortunately, she has Daniel by her side, a gorgeous guy who's devoted to helping her find her sister—and who's immune to the girls' dark powers. 

While Harper searches for her sister, Gemma struggles to adjust to her new life. Gemma's powers are growing by the day, and the longer she lives with her new "sisters," the harder it is to resist entering their magical world. It's a realm both dark and beautiful, and where she's plagued by strange hungers and unspeakable needs. Just as she's drifting far away from her old life, Harper and Daniel find her...but no one can deny how much she's changed. All she wants is to return to her family and the mortal world, but how can she do that when she's become something else entirely—and will they still love her once they learn the truth?

Prepare to fall under the spell of Lullaby, the second book in the Watersong series from New York Times bestselling author Amanda Hocking.

Thoughts:She's stronger, more beautiful and she can turn into a mermaid. What more could Gemma want? Her life back, her family and to not become a monster like Penn. Gemma is doing her best to fight the change, now that she is a Siren. She refuses to kill anyone just for her survival and no matter how strong the ocean's call, she feels she doesn't deserve even that perk...well until her hair starts falling out. 

Harper's love for Gemma is strong; she has practically raised her as her own. She vows that no matter what, she will get her sister back and find a way to reverse the curse. She's teamed up with Daniel, the hot boat guy and Gemma’s boyfriend Alex. Sadly, every piece of information they find leads them no closer to finding Gemma nor a way to fix the curse. Harper also has to come to terms with how she feels about Daniel and whether she is willing to give herself that chance at love. 

I liked this one more than the first mostly because I was able to connect with Harper and Daniel. I think the heat between them is magnetic. Hocking's writing is good with a quick pace to the plot, so it didn't really drag on. This series is the first I've read by Hocking and think it's an interesting concept. Mythology was my favorite subject in school, so I love stories that put a new spin on them. I'm intrigued to see how Hocking will explain the mystery surrounding the boys of Capri. Overall, good read.


  1. I didn't know ARCs for Lullaby are even out! But I'm still not that keen on reading it. I also prefer harper so I am glad the book makes you connect with harper even more

    great review!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. Another book goes on the TBR mountain. :-)

  3. I didn't know you were even reading the second book. I like the cover for it. I may have to pick up the first one.
